These rules apply throughout the year to all golfers using both hire and privately owned equipment. Daily traffic lights will be published on the website, V1 App and will be available by contacting the pro shop. This system is for equipment use only, hole closures, course condition & restrictions will still be in effect and displayed separately.
Green Board
Players may use buggies and trolleys ‘through the green’ but must follow all instructions, directions, and signs.
In particular players must not:
Players with buggies or trolleys should also utilise the paths whenever possible.
Green Board Winter
As the Green Board with the following additional restriction:
NOTE: Trolleys must be fitted with winter wheels.
Amber Board
Red Board
Disabled players & those with qualifying health conditions defined
As defined under section 6 of the Equality Act 2010.
Players will automatically qualify as disabled or with a health condition if they are in possession of a current blue badge in their name or a signed medical exemption certificate.
Players who do not automatically qualify will be considered on an individual basis and in the first instance should contact Richard in the pro shop who will advise in the strictest confidence.
Winter buggy/ trolley course layout
Front 9 holes
The winter buggy/ trolley course layout has been introduced to allow as many golfers as possible the opportunity to play in adverse weather conditions. The layout is generally drier than other areas of the course but when playing please follow these additional rules:
Carrying clubs
When winter rules are in operation the club hopes as many members as possible will carry their clubs if able to do so. Carrying clubs protects the course and can help keep it open for longer during sustained periods of bad weather. The traffic light system is in place to address Health & Safety issues and to limit damage to the course during adverse weather conditions as well as complying with the Equality Act 2010.
Breach of Rule
If any player fails to comply with these rules, the club may ask them to leave the course and may prohibit the player from using buggies or trolleys on the course in future.
Simon MeadsFantastic day out. Golf day organised through work. Warm welcome at club house and good facilities. Well presented course.